Hyejin Abarcar
Senior Economist
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, University of Michigan
M.A. in Economics, University of Michigan
B.A. in Mathematics and Economics, Williams College
Hyejin Abarcar is a senior economist, who joined applEcon in 2014 while pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Michigan. Her consulting experience covers various industries, including automotive parts, in-store advertising, and consumer packaged goods. She has worked on all stages of antitrust litigation, ranging from pre-litigation investigation and class certification to trial. Prior to her consulting career, Hyejin taught both undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Economics as a graduate student instructor at the University of Michigan. She had also worked for the Department of Macroeconomic and Financial Policies at the Korea Development Institute as a research associate.
Consulting Experience
Valassis v. News America
Antitrust Liability for Plaintiff
applEcon presented trial and deposition testimony that made a comprehensive, clear, and convincing case for liability for anticompetitive conduct, tortious interference, and unfair business practices, helping Valassis to a $300 million jury-decided victory at the first of three scheduled trials and to a final settlement of $500 million prior to trial on applEcon’s home ground,…